Lillooet River
The Fraser River Lodge
Unleash the Thrill: Experience Epic Sturgeon Fishing Adventures
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Lillooet River
The Lillooet River starts its journey west of Pemberton and flows south until it meets Harrison Lake. Our trip to the Lillooet river begins by crossing Harrison Lake in our custom jet boats and entering the mouth of this historic river. The Lillooet river is home to resident and sea-run Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout, Dolly Varden and you will encounter Steelhead, Chinook (Kings, Spring, Black Mouth), and Coho (Silvers).
We start fishing this river in the early spring and then again in the Fall. These trout are aggressive in October as they are feasting on salmon eggs and have followed the salmon up the river. The Lillooet is a wilderness fly fishing dream, but do not worry if you cannot fly fish as traditional spinning rod and reels work great. Our fishing Guides offer day-trips to the Lillooet river as well as wilderness camping experiences.