Have you been fishing before? Maybe somewhere other than British Columbia? Maybe you’ve never been fishing before but it’s always been something that you have considered taking a stab at? 

Wherever you are in your “fishing journey” there are several good reasons why a fishing trip to BC, or more especially the Fraser Valley, should be on your list for this year; but for the sake of time, we are just going to highlight what we believe to be the top 3 reasons. 

Reason 1: Connect with Nature 

What better way to connect with nature than hoping in a boat, and cruising down a river surrounded by forested mountains? For those new to the sport of fishing, it truly is an opportunity to escape to nature while taking part in a fun activity. As it’s YOUR trip, you get to choose whether you want to just relax in the boat and take in your surroundings, fish, or even jump right in the river!

Reason 2: Unique Experience of Sturgeon Fishing 

To say it simply, sturgeon fishing is like no other; especially sturgeon fishing on the Fraser River. Our fishing trips give you the opportunity to learn about, catch, interact with and release these prehistoric friendly river monsters. The largest sturgeon caught on one of the Lodge excursions, to date, was 11.5ft in length. However, anglers have also caught baby sturgeon on our trips. 

Reason 3: Opportunity to Learn a New Skill while Bonding with Family or Friends 

Whether you have absolutely no experience in this area, or you’ve been an experienced fisher since the age of 10, with fishing there is always more to be learnt. That’s the great thing about it! If you want to personally challenge yourself, to perfect your skill or learn a new technique  then the chance is there !

It also presents the opportunity to teach and share something that you’re passionate about with your children, family members or friends tha

To inquire or book a spring, summer or fall guided fishing excursion with the Fraser River Lodge, contact us at 604.796.1210 or by email at fishing@fraserriverlodge.com.

We cannot wait to get out on the river with you!

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